Happy Holidays to all our clients and readers. It’s that wonderful time of year where we gather friends and family. It’s been an unusual year to say the least. I have a tradition to take a few hours by myself each year and just reflect what was good this year. I know … I know… it’s been a challenging year, but I also know good came of it.
For me personally, I have watched and been blessed with my kids finding significant others. I’ve experienced an abundance of personal growth. My business has survived a pandemic – I might even say we thrived. We also were honored to help many of our clients navigate through this challenging times. What are your traditions? Do you go off for some quiet time of reflection or is it all hustle and bustle for you?
Donna Sooter Lim

Happy Holidays from my family to yours! I love this time of year, when there’s a magic that brings families together, encourages overwhelming joy and generates unfathomable hope. I am extremely thankful for the opportunities I have been provided throughout the years. I realize not everyone is so lucky. My heart cries for those that struggle to get through this time of year. For some, the Holiday can bring an incredible amount of sorrow, feelings of emptiness, and overwhelming bleakness. May the magic of the Holidays bring love and peace to you and to the world.
Cheri Bayless
Happy Holidays! What a year 2020 has been! It feels like we’ve all missed out on so much of our lives during the months of shutdowns and closures, but I’ve also realized that we have so many reasons to be thankful. I’ve shared with my kids that we can be thankful that we have a home where we can comfortably stay-at-home and a lot of free time to spend together now that our calendars have been cleared. We’ve also come to realize that simple things we had previously taken for granted like being able to attend school or play sports or even walk down the street without wearing a mask are now things for which we have a deeper appreciation. I hope that during this season you are able to dwell on the blessings which you’ve been given. Wishing you and your families a wonderful holiday season and warm wishes for 2021!
Michele Nakamura
This is indeed a time to celebrate the Holidays! 2020 has been a year of struggles for everyone. My thoughts are with those who are sick. I want to extend my heartfelt wishes for a full recovery. So as the Holidays approach I hope that everyone can focus on the blessings we are granted, the resilience we possess, and the compassion we exhibit to those struggling. Take time with your family to enjoy this Holiday and the traditions your families hold dear! I will be cooking big meals, decorating, and quite honestly stressing myself out many times, but look forward to every minute. Memories are precious and my biggest wish for you is to create those lasting memories with the ones you love! One tradition we started was taking the goofy Christmas pictures together and I love to look back at them. It is a guaranteed laugh. And as they say… Laughter is good for the soul!
Warm wishes,
Donna D. McCrickard
The Holiday season has arrived, the time we should all be sharing with our friends and family. This year has taken everyone for a crazy rough ride within our personal and business lives. Pat yourself on the back for keeping your head held high and pushing through this 2020 year of obstacles, you know you deserve it. I am personally blessed to be a part of Sooter Consulting and serving our wonderful clients as well as getting to know each one of you virtually. I have enjoyed watching my children grow while helping them continue their education with Online Learning. I have also been able to learn more about my husband and all things he can do and his inspiration on our children. I am glad we are nearing the end of year 2020 and I want to wish all my clients Happy Holidays and here’s to a New Year!