Note From Larissa For Donna... Every year Donna and the Sooter Consulting team loves to focus on the core concept of gratitude. We each have people and circumstances that got us where we needed to go, and taking time to acknowledge these things is a honorable tradition. Let us know in the comments what things you have been grateful for this year.

1. I am grateful for the learnings of Profit First by Mike Michalowicz. It
has helped me create a profitable business, excellent cash flow and the
ability to thrive.
2. I am grateful for Erin Sterlin Moger my first Profit First guide. You
have made an incredible difference in my business. Thank you for
always pushing me to be comfortable with the uncomfortable.
3. I am thankful that Liz Szporn has become my new Profit First guide. I
know that you will continue to propel me forward.
4. I am thankful beyond words that Mike Michalowicz wrote Profit First
and continues to author books that help small businesses to progress

5. It is so gratifying to watch Bretney Moysset grow into a great leader.
Thank you for taking on the job and always being willing to take what
is in my head and record it for others to follow.
6. I appreciate that Anna Smith has joined our team and has taken on
the project of streamlining the administration of Sooter Consulting.
7. I appreciate great talent and great talent I found in Samantha. Thank
you for joining my team.
8. I am indebted to my Profit First Accountability group – Barb Fisher,
Sharon Lewis, Rachelle Swanson and Stacey Bennett – You guys are
the best. Thank you for holding me accountable and holding me to the
fire when I try to wiggle my way out of the “uncomfortable”.
9. To my best friend in the world, Renee Daggett – words do not express
the gratitude I have for you. Thank you for adapting to my ever-
changing life. Thank you for doing life with me.
10. I am thankful for my RAD CEO group. The number of times you
have blessed me is countless. I can only hope I have done the same.
Thank you, Renee Daggett and Sarah Walker.
11. My list of gratitudes would not be complete without giving a big
shout out to my hunny – Nathaniel Lim – you mean more to me than I
can express. I am so grateful you asked me out and challenged me to
be bold and courageous.

12. Thank you, Larissa Summers (that's the editor - me!) for challenging me to say bold and courageous things in my marketing. Thank you for heading up the
website sprucing – I’m sure it will look fresh and sound spectacular
when it’s all done.
13. I am indebted to the listening skills of Holly Lasky and Karla
Lloyd. They are the best life coaches ever. I appreciate them being
gentle when needed BUT also willing to challenge me when I’ve dug
my heals in. You propel me forward in my walk of being human.
14. I am grateful to still have my parents in my life. Mom (Judy
Studebaker) and Dad (Roy Studebaker) – you mean the world to me.
You are always there to listen, support and cheer for me. You help me
reach for the stars.
15. I am grateful to Danielle Moreno for allow me to be part of your
life. Thank you for covering me when I travel and always being ready
to help me with the Grandparents.
16. I am proud to have Sunny-Miles Summers join our family this
year. Thank you for being the loving person that you are.
17. I am grateful for the whole community of therapists out there.
You know who you are and I’m ever so grateful for the listening ear,
the transfer of knowledge and challenging me to see the world
18. I am indebted to the Run Like Clockwork staff that have helped
me create a business that can truly run without me.
19. I am grateful that my team truly understood my desire to have
the business so well documented that each person can take time off
without it being a burden to the rest of the team.
20. Thank you to Renee Dagget and Lori Greymont for the
encouragement 19 years ago to start a business. Who knew that I
would truly love it.
21. I am grateful to be a child of God.
22. I am indebted to the many authors that have given me guidance
and direction on how to be a great leader – John Maxwell, Joey
Coleman, Brene Brown, Gino Wickman, Mike Michalowicz and many
others. You have provided a great service for the small business
owners of the world.
23. I am so honored to work with so many wonderful clients. I am
grateful to each of you and thank you for allowing us to partner with
24. I am thankful for my Provisors SJ4 – you are the best
networking group around.
25. I am grateful that I am now at a place where I can take
unplugged vacations.
26. Thankful for Audio books – I love to be read to.
27. I am beyond grateful for Dr. Jenny at In Health clinic for keeping
me on the straight and narrow. She is an amazing chiropractor and so
much more.
28. I am grateful for Aggie my massage therapist. She is amazing –
comes to my home twice a month to keep me moving.
29. I’m thankful for the prayer warriors in my life.
30. I’m thankful I live in a place where dreams can come true.